As a camera geek (within limits), I sometimes can spend extended periods of time browsing the B&H Photo Video online catalog, reading reviews, drooling over some of the REALLY high-end lenses, and thinking about what camera body/lens I might get next. And I often get questions about what gear I do have, both for the office and for home, as well as what the questioner should get next. Therefore, I’ll provide a brief list of the camera gear that I currently use, and what I may be changing or adding soon.
Bear in mind these two things:
- I highly recommend certain dental camera packages through
- Because is specifically focused on the digital dental photography market and not the general photography market, I purchase my non-dental gear and accessories through B&H Photo Video
My Dental Office Cameras, Lenses, and Flashes
At work, I still use 2 Canon XTi bodies, as I like to use them until they die, and they still take excellent photos.
I use the Canon 100mm f/2.8 macro lens on one, and the Canon 60mm f/2.8 macro lens on the other:
And of course I use the Canon MR-14EX ring flash:
At-Home Photography Gear
Given the overall quality and affordability of DSLRs as of 2011, ANY current or recent DSLR will provide excellent digital photos. I went from the original Canon EOS Digital Rebel for both home and work, then got a Canon 30D when I wanted a dedicated personal camera, and for Christmas 2009, I upgraded to a Canon 7D, which is what I currently use for everything personal, as well as for office portrait sessions.
My very favorite lens is the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS Mark II zoom telephoto. Crystal clear images, very fast lens (the fixed f/2.8 is wonderful for portrait bokeh and for low-light shooting, especially indoors when flash is a bad idea), fast and quiet focusing.
My second favorite lens, for similar reasons, is the Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 zoom telephoto. This is a great lens for indoors when shooting the family – especially for when people are pretty close and you don’t want to accidentally cut off their heads.
I do use my old Canon 430EX Speedlite a LOT. The current version is the Canon 430EX II Speedlite, and I may just upgrade it later this year, too, but since the old one works quite well, why change? If I upgrade, it will probably be to the Canon 580EX Speedlite.