Do any of these describe you as a dentist and your website?
- You need a brand new website and have no idea where to start;
- Your current website sucks and doesn’t actually get you any patients or revenue;
- You have no idea if your website is good, or bad, awesome, or bottom-of-the-well;
- You need help understanding the difference between SEO, SEM, PPC, XTY, YHO, and GOG (BTW – 3 of those I just made up in case; if you don’t know which ones, definitely keep reading!)
- Most importantly, you don’t actually want to make your own website, but don’t want to be clueless when talking to others about it!
Dental Websites Should Get Patients, Generate Revenue, and Not Cost a Lot
Back at the end of 2008, despite having had a website for 8 years, we got zero new patients and zero revenue from the Web, and with the economy crashing, I began learning about web design, SEO, and more, in order to change that. Fast forward 4 years, and we now generate between 10-20 new patients and $30-40,000 per month from our online presence. Seriously…..every single month. And you know how much it costs me each month? A whopping $7.00. Yup – SEVEN DOLLARS A MONTH. My monthly ROI is literally in the tens of thousands percent every month.
Does your website do that for you? If not, and you want to start educating yourself on how to reach that point, I would like to recommend someone to you. Not only that, look for the Coupon Code at the bottom of this post for a chance to save money!
Short Hills Design – Dentist and Website Developer in One
Dr. David Wank, of Short Hills Design, is somewhat of a newcomer to DentalTown (since 2010, whereas I’ve been there just a teensy bit longer LOL), but he’s become a frequent and notable contributor on everything having to do with websites and SEO, and for good reason – he is both a full-time practicing dentist AND a professional website developer on the WordPress platform with a lot of experience. I’ve had numerous conversations with David via DT, email, and phone, and have found him to be trustworthy, helpful, honest, and extremely knowledgeable.
The Web Design Workbook for Dentists
This workbook is NOT intended to teach you how to actually build your own website. Rather, it’s to educate you ABOUT websites, so when you are looking for someone to do yours, or for someone to optimize it,or to make it better, you’ll actually understand what they’re saying, and IF they know what they’re talking about!
- Terminology: as you go through the Workbook, David provides easy-to-understand definitions of all the critical terms that you need to know;
- Design ideas: the Workbook provides easy-to-use worksheets that help you plan out design elements, images, logos, headings, page layouts, and more
- Website Names and Hosting: David shows you how to choose a good website URL, what makes for a bad one, how to purchase it, and how to host it
- Website? Blog? Social Media? WTH!?!?!: Do you want to add content yourself in a blog? Static website only? How do you add in social media like Facebook, Google+, etc.?
- What is SEO vs. SEM/PPC? Which do you need first, which second (IF second?)
- What are Google Analytics and Google Webmaster?
The simple fact is – these days it is easy to make a website; to make a GOOD website, that will attract potential patients and help convert them to live patients in your chair, is much more involved! And while you don’t need to understand all the technical language, and you don’t need to be able to create your own website, you DO need to understand this information to be sure that you are choosing someone who will deliver what is promised. You may also need to know it to realize that your current web company is screwing you, so you can get out of it!
Save Money Today!
There is obviously a TON more to this manual than I can possibly describe in a page, and I welcome comments and questions below. But if you’re ready to get started, what do you do? It’s easy – just click the link!
Save $25 at Checkout with the Coupon Code dentaldigital25.
Disclosure: I have not personally used David’s services, but that’s simply because I do my websites already. However, David has provided me with useful advice on occasion that I found to be both helpful and accurate. In addition, I make a small commission on each sale of his manual if you use the Coupon Code: “dentaldigital25” at checkout. Otherwise, there is no past or current business relationship between us.